At Tyler Bryant Design our unique process is what gives us our competitive edge. Our process flexes to best accommodate each, unique project. We understand that every project has different goals, challenges, users and budgets, and that each of our clients has their own, personal vision. We are always working to adapt our process to fit your needs.
Exploration Focused
Our process generally begins with a combination of brainstorming and market research. Not only do we want to develop great ideas for and with you, we also want to ensure that they are original. We research existing products and services on the market, new technologies that are being developed, and how consumers are reacting to what the market has to offer. This research is valuable in our exploration phase, and informs us going forward.
Data + Validation
After completing this research, we begin to refine our list of required functionalities and benchmarks. We are constantly checking these requirements against our research data. This validates that we are on track. During this phase we develop a range of viable design solutions. We then pare down – evaluating the most successful aspects of each, and finally incorporating these into the best and most efficient design. This is all accomplished through a combination of sketching, 3D modeling and prototyping.
The Final Stretch
Once we have a final prototype, we will create engineering drawings, material specifications, presentation renderings, patent drawings and whatever else is required to get your product manufacturing-ready. We’ll work with you to get you manufacturing quotes, samples, and will even develop methods of quality control and testing. Our goal is to leave you with both a stunning design and the tools to help you get it into the hands of consumers.
Refined Prototyping
Once we have a clear design direction, we move into rapid-prototyping and testing. During this phase, we create functional models of your product. Having physical prototypes is extremely valuable for user testing. This is an iterative process during which the prototype is continually evolving and refining. Depending on the project, we may go through many rounds of design or just a few. We regularly use 3D printing, CNC machine and laser cutting to bring these ideas to life.